Special Addition!!! Dry Yellow Carolina Reaper pepper Powder - 1LB packed in a plastic bag.
Special Addition!!! Dry Yellow Carolina Reaper pepper Powder - 1KG packed in a plastic bag.
SMOKED Carolina Reaper Powder - 1/2oz in a plastic Jar with sifter lid have a heat of 1,400,000-2,2000,000 Scoville Heat Units.
Reaper X Pepper Whole Pods 1LB – World's Hottest Reaper (XH7) Non-GMO No MSG All Natural
Reaper X Pepper Whole Pods 1KG (2.2lb) – World's Hottest Reaper (XH7) Non-GMO No MSG All Natural
Reaper X Pepper Powder 1LB – World's Hottest Reaper (XH7) Non-GMO No MSG All Natural
Our Reaper X variant (Pepper XH7) has been improved and refined for seven (7) generations to create a sustainable and consistently high capsicum level that makes this hybrid the World's Hottest Reaper on the planet. 1 KG packed in a resealable plastic bag.
Reaper X Pepper Flakes 1LB – World's Hottest Reaper (XH7) Non-GMO No MSG All Natural
Reaper X Pepper Flakes 1KG (2.2lb) – World's Hottest Reaper (XH7) Non-GMO No MSG All Natural
Premium Quality Dried Dragon's Breath Pepper - Whole Pods 1LB
Special Addition!!! Dry Chocolate Carolina Reaper pepper Powder - 1LB packed in a plastic bag.
Special Addition!!! Dry Chocolate Carolina Reaper pepper Powder - 1KG packed in a plastic bag.
The original Classic Sriracha flavor blended with xxx hot Carolina Reaper powder to creates a completely new taste dimension.
Just like the famous sauce flavor, Sriracha is now offered as a powder. Magic Plant Sriracha Dust is made of fresh harvested Red Chilies, complimented with bold Garlic, combined with dashes of Vinegar, Salt, and Sugar to perfectly balance our Sriracha powder blend.
Our spicy Sriracha Dust seasoning brings the traditional Sriracha flavor to any of your foods.
Plastic shakers with sift & spoon lid - ready for retail Net Weight: 2 oz. (56g)
1kg (2.2 lb) of Carolina Reaper Sriracha.
Dry Carolina Reaper Pepper SMOKED Powder - 1KG (2.2lb) packed in a plastic bag.
SMOKED Dried Carolina Reaper Pepper Flakes - 1KG (2.2lb) packed in a plastic bag.
Carolina Reaper Pepper SMOKED Dried Whole Pods 1KG (2.2lb)
Dry Carolina Reaper pepper Powder - 1LB packed in a plastic bag.
Dry Carolina Reaper pepper Powder - 1KG packed in a plastic bag.
Carolina Reaper Powder - 1/2oz in a plastic Jar with sifter lid have a heat of 1,400,000-2,2000,000 Scoville Heat Units.
Dry Carolina Reaper pepper Flakes / Crushed - 1LB packed in a plastic bag.
Dry Carolina Reaper pepper Flakes / Crushed - 1KG packed in a plastic bag.
Carolina Reaper pepper Flakes / Crushed - 1/2oz in a plastic Jar with sifter lid have a heat of 1,400,000-2,2000,000 Scoville Heat Units.
Carolina Reaper Pepper Dried Whole Pods 1LB
Carolina Reaper Pepper Dried Whole Pods 1KG (2.2lb)
Dried Carolina Reaper chili pepper - Whole Carolina Reaper Pods 7.10 gram (1/4 oz) Gourmet and Authentic dried Carolina Reaper chili pepper.
Try the hottest chili peppers in the world. Good for Stew, Chili, Soup , Salsa and more 100% satisfactions guarantee!!! An AMAZING Hot flavor.
Carolina Reaper Growing Kit. Carolina Reaper pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world with an average heat level of 1,569,300SHU.
Magic Plant introducing the ultimate hottest chili gift set for any hot pepper lover. amazing package for any hot food lover.
The Carolina Reaper ultimate gift pack includes the following:
1 Carolina Reaper Growing Kit - Grow your own carolina reaper peppers. 1 Carolina Reaper Powder 1/2oz Spice Bottle - shake it up on any food. 1 Carolina Reaper Dry Whole Peppers 1/4oz Pack - cook with it if you dare. 1 Carolina Reaper Mash / Puree 9oz Glass Jar - make your own carolina reaper hot suace. 1 Sriracha Dust with Carolina Reaper Touch 2oz Spice Bottle - enjoy the most popular Sriracha flavor with the heat you need and add it to any food.
Uses: add to pizza, soup, salsa, beans, chiken wings, hot suace, and to any other dish that is just need better flavor and heat.