Pepper Plant
Chili Pepper Growing Kit
All Included Growing Kit. Just Open...Water...Watch it Grow!!!
Our easy and convenient hot peppers in a can will always be a big hit for the hot pepper lover and can be grown all year around! Pick from our assortment of different Hot Peppers that will add zest, a dash of color, and a sense of magical flavor to any culinary delight you choose.
Each Magic Plant Hot Pepper container includes seeds, which are pre-planted in a special mineral soil. "Give a gift they'll remember, a Magic Plant Hot Pepper!"
Grow your own chili pepper with the Magic Plant Growing kit!!!
~Give the Gift of Magic Plant Hot Peppers in a Can~
Our easy and convenient hot peppers in a can will always be a big hit for the hot pepper lover and can be grown all year around!
Pick from our assortment of different Magic Plant Hot Peppers that will add zest, a dash of color, and a sense of magical flavor to any culinary delight you choose.
Each Magic Plant Hot Pepper container includes seeds, which are pre-planted in a special mineral soil.
"Give a gift they'll remember, a Magic Plant Hot Pepper!"
Directions to get started with all Magic Plant Hot Pepper products:
- Remove clear plastic cap on bottom of can and view the insert. Do Not discard.
- CAREFULLY open the drainage tab on BOTTOM of can.
- CAREFULLY open and remove the tab and lid on TOP of can.
- Add water until excess water drains from bottom. Replace plastic cap on bottom of can.Important Care Information for all Magic Plant Hot Pepper products:
- Lack of light and ventilation may cause plant to wilt or grow poorly.
- Overwatering may cause rotting.
- Water ONLY when surface soil is dry.
- Ensure adequate light.